Math Calculators

60 Calculators

Math Calculators

Enhance your mathematical prowess with our extensive collection of math calculators. This category provides everything from basic arithmetic tools and fraction conversions to more complex calculators like the quadratic equation solver and scientific notation converter. Ideal for students, educators, and professionals, these calculators offer precise solutions for a wide array of mathematical operations, helping to simplify calculations and deepen understanding of mathematical concepts.

Basic Calculator

Basic Calculator

This online calculator performs basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. You can use the calculator to find percentages and taxes.

Fraction Calculator

Fraction Calculator

Check out this free online fraction calculator. It can solve mathematical problems such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions.

Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator

This percentage calculator computes the percent of a number, the percentage change, and the quantity of a number whose percentage is provided.

Random Number Generator

Random Number Generator

Random number generators have a variety of uses beyond picking a number to determine a prize winner. Find out what situations are ideal for them and how they solve problems.

Square Footage Calculator

Square Footage Calculator

Square footage calculator finds the surface area (square footage) of various shapes and calculates associated construction costs. It can be used as a room area calculator.

Percentage Calculator Online

Percentage Calculator Online

Percent calculator to calculate percentage of a number online. The calculator can find percentages and calculate discounts, taxes, and tips.

Quadratic Formula Calculator

Quadratic Formula Calculator

Quadratic formula calculator solves quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. Quadratic equations are solved for real roots and complex roots.

Number Generator

Number Generator

The random number generator provides a set of random numbers according to user-specified options such as range, repeat, and sort.

Rounding Calculator

Rounding Calculator

This rounding calculator rounds off numbers to the nearest whole number, significant digit, or decimal place. You can round the decimal numbers to the nearest tenths, hundredths, or thousandths.

Scientific Calculator

Scientific Calculator

This scientific calculator is a free tool that solves complex mathematical expressions by supporting several built-in functions.

Mixed Number Calculator

Mixed Number Calculator

Mixed number calculator is designed to help you add, subtract, multiply, and divide mixed numbers. Mixed Fractions Calculator is created for performing mathematical operations on mixed numbers.

Decimal to Fraction Calculator

Decimal to Fraction Calculator

Decimal to Fraction Calculator converts decimals to fractions or mixed numbers. The Fraction converter works for terminating and for recurring decimals.

Simplifying Fractions Calculator

Simplifying Fractions Calculator

Simplifying fractions calculator to reduce fractions. Simplify proper and improper fractions and convert improper fractions to mixed numbers.

Slope Calculator

Slope Calculator

The slope calculator finds the slope of a line using the slope formula. It can also find point coordinates, incline angle, and length if the slope and one point are known.

LCM Calculator

LCM Calculator

LCM calculator to find the LCM of two or more numbers. Shows solutions by prime factorization, common multiples, cake/ladder, GCF, division, and Venn diagram.

Ratio Calculator

Ratio Calculator

The ratio calculator simplifies ratios by bringing ratios to the lowest terms. Finds missing values in proportions and compares two given ratios finding if they are equal.

Percentage Increase Calculator

Percentage Increase Calculator

Percentage increase calculator to find an increase from one number to another, calculate growth rate and calculate price increase in percentages.

Long Division Calculator

Long Division Calculator

Long division calculator performs long division with remainders. Demonstrates solution with steps, and answer as quotient and remainder and as mixed number.

Triangle Calculator

Triangle Calculator

The triangle calculator finds all triangle measurements – side lengths, triangle angles, area, perimeter, semiperimeter, heights, medians, inradius, and circumradius.

Percentage Change Calculator

Percentage Change Calculator

Percentage change calculator to find percentage increase or decrease, calculate the rate of change and calculate price change over a period of time.

Volume Calculator

Volume Calculator

The online volume calculator performs calculations for 11 different geometric shapes. The tool supports different units of measurement and demonstrates the solution steps.

Scientific Notation Converter

Scientific Notation Converter

Scientific notation calculator converts numbers to scientific notation, standard form, engineering notation, scientific e-notation, and word form and finds the order of magnitude.

Speed Calculator

Speed Calculator

The speed calculator helps find speed, distance, time using the formulas d=st, s=d/t, t=d/s. Easy to use and intuitive speed calculator.

GCF Calculator

GCF Calculator

Greatest common factor calculator finds the GCF of a set of numbers and all factors of these numbers. Solutions with steps for finding the GCF are also demonstrated.

Fraction to Decimal Calculator

Fraction to Decimal Calculator

The fraction to decimal calculator allows the user to convert fractions to decimal points while specifying the rounding options.

Binary Calculator

Binary Calculator

Binary calculator for binary to decimal conversion, decimal to binary conversion, binary operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.

Area Calculator

Area Calculator

Area calculator to find the surface area of the following shapes - rectangle, triangle, circle, sector, ellipse, trapezoid, and parallelogram.

Factoring Calculator

Factoring Calculator

The factoring calculator finds all factors and factor pairs of positive and negative numbers. Factor calculator finds divisors of non-zero integers.

Sig Fig Calculator

Sig Fig Calculator

Significant figures are essential in various situations. Here, we determine the rules of sig figs and how we can apply them in the real world.

Percentage Difference Calculator

Percentage Difference Calculator

Percentage difference calculator to find percent difference between two numbers. The calculator is used to compare two positive values.

Right Triangle Calculator

Right Triangle Calculator

Right triangle calculator finds missing triangle measurements. It calculates side lengths, angles, perimeter, area, altitude-to-hypotenuse, inradius, and circumradius.

Mixed Fraction Calculator

Mixed Fraction Calculator

Mixed number to improper fraction calculator to convert mixed numbers, consisting of a whole number and a proper fraction, to improper fractions.

Fraction to Percent Calculator

Fraction to Percent Calculator

Fraction to percent calculator converts proper and improper fractions to percentages. Calculator is using fraction-decimal-percent algorithm.

Least Common Denominator Calculator

Least Common Denominator Calculator

Least common denominator calculator, or LCD calculator, determines the lowest common denominator of integers, mixed numbers, and fractions.

Modulo Calculator

Modulo Calculator

The modulo calculator finds the remainder of the division of two rational/irrational positive/negative numbers. You can also find out how to find modulus manually.

Density Calculator

Density Calculator

This volume calculator uses a density formula ρ = m/V to find densities of different substances and objects. It calculates the third one for two given values - density, mass, or volume of a substance.

Equivalent Fractions Calculator

Equivalent Fractions Calculator

Equivalent fractions calculator to find equivalent fractions of positive and negative mixed numbers, integers, proper and improper fractions.

Scientific Notation Calculator

Scientific Notation Calculator

Scientific notation calculator converts numbers to scientific notation, e-notation, engineering notation, and adds, subtracts, multiplies or divides them.

Adding Fractions Calculator

Adding Fractions Calculator

Adding fractions calculator to add and subtract proper and improper fractions. The calculator performs operations with up to nine given fractions.

Decimal to Percent Calculator

Decimal to Percent Calculator

Decimal to percent calculator converts decimals to percentages and whole numbers to percentages by multiplying by 100% or shifting the decimal point.

Hex Calculator

Hex Calculator

Online hex calculator performs hex math operations and conversions. Hex addition, hex subtraction, hex multiplication, hex division became fast & easy

Tank Volume Calculator

Tank Volume Calculator

The tank volume calculator finds the total volume of various tank shapes in gallons, liters, and cubic meters. It calculates the liquid volume of partially filled tanks.

Standard Form Calculator

Standard Form Calculator

Standard form calculator converts any number to standard form or scientific notation. It accepts number notation, e-notation, and scientific notation.

Math Equation Solver

Math Equation Solver

PEMDAS calculator solves mathematical expressions with the order of operations - brackets, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

Kinetic Energy Calculator

Kinetic Energy Calculator

Kinetic energy calculator easily finds kinetic energy, mass or velocity with the kinetic energy formula KE = 1/2 mv². Easy to use KE calculator.

Cube Root Calculator

Cube Root Calculator

Cube root calculator finds the principal (real) cube root of positive and negative numbers and the imaginary cube roots of the given number.

Arithmetic and Geometric Sequence Calculator

Arithmetic and Geometric Sequence Calculator

Number sequence calculator to find the nth term of arithmetic, geometric, and Fibonacci sequences. The calculator also finds the sum of the terms of a sequence.

Square Root Calculator

Square Root Calculator

Square root calculator finds square roots of positive and negative numbers, identifies the principal root, and determines if the number is a perfect square.

Distance Formula Calculator

Distance Formula Calculator

Distance formula calculator finds the distance between two points on a plane based on their coordinates. The calculator uses the Euclidean distance formula.

Prime Factorization Calculator

Prime Factorization Calculator

The prime factorization calculator finds a number's prime factors. The calculator demonstrates the prime factors tree and all factors of the number.

Integer Calculator

Integer Calculator

Adding and subtracting integers calculator allows adding and subtracting positive and negative integers and decimals, demonstrating the solution algorithm.

Significant Figures Calculator

Significant Figures Calculator

The significant figure rounder rounds numbers to the required quantity of significant figures. It works with a standard number format, e-notation, and scientific notation.

Velocity Calculator

Velocity Calculator

Free online velocity calculator solves for v, u, a or t using velocity formula. Calculate the final velocity (v) using the equation v = u + at.

Force Calculator

Force Calculator

Easy to use force calculator helps determine the unknown variable in the force equation (F = ma). Force = mass × acceleration.

Distance Calculator

Distance Calculator

These calculators find the distance between two points on a 2D plane, in a 3D space, as well as along the surface of the Earth with Lambert’s formulas.

Percent to Fraction Calculator

Percent to Fraction Calculator

The percent to fraction calculator converts the given percentages into fractions. If the percent value exceeds 100, the calculator performs percent to mixed number conversion.

Pythagorean Theorem Calculator

Pythagorean Theorem Calculator

Pythagorean theorem calculator finds the unknown side length of a right triangle. It also calculates angles, area, perimeter, and altitude to hypotenuse.

Percentage Decrease Calculator

Percentage Decrease Calculator

The percentage decrease calculator finds a percentage decrease from the starting value to the final value and identifies whether the change is an increase or a decrease.

Proportion Calculator

Proportion Calculator

The ratio calculator finds a missing ratio number based on the given proportion. The calculator can also scale ratios, enlarging or shrinking them.

Quadratic Equation Calculator

Quadratic Equation Calculator

Quadratic Equation Calculator is a free tool that provides a detailed solution to quadratic equations by supplying the values of a, b and c.